
Hey y’all!!  I know it’s been a looooonng time! Like years. Life started lifing and writing kept taking a back burner to everything going on and I could never focus anymore, but ☝…..I think I’m in a place to get back into things. I’m looking to start updating Until Forever AND there’s been, I guess, an alternate ending that’s playing over in my head with soulmates that I feel I need to get down on paper but I probably won’t upload it unless anyone is interested in it. If any of yall are still around lol
          	But, anyways. I hope things have been good for everyone and yall are doing well! 


Heyyy, I’m still here waiting.❤️❤️ l missed you and this story. ❤️


Hey y’all!!  I know it’s been a looooonng time! Like years. Life started lifing and writing kept taking a back burner to everything going on and I could never focus anymore, but ☝…..I think I’m in a place to get back into things. I’m looking to start updating Until Forever AND there’s been, I guess, an alternate ending that’s playing over in my head with soulmates that I feel I need to get down on paper but I probably won’t upload it unless anyone is interested in it. If any of yall are still around lol
          But, anyways. I hope things have been good for everyone and yall are doing well! 


Heyyy, I’m still here waiting.❤️❤️ l missed you and this story. ❤️


Update on until forever?


 now I don’t feel bad checking 2 yrs later. Hope all is well yall! 


It’s ok.  I thought the story was done but, im glad things are good


I was waiting for my computer to get fixed, but now I’m back in commission. Also, I just wanna say I appreciate you checking on it especially since this time around I have way less free time. It honestly keeps me accountable lol I’m sorry that the wait between chapters has been so long  


Updates for Until Forever?


@CoolCurls and I appreciate y’all so much like no lie! New update should be posted tonight  @YourFavoriteGeminii 


You have a loyal fan base lol I haven’t been on in 2 years. Immediately got on my old phone to check . Hope all is well for you. 


It’s actually like a 3rd way done. I’m hoping to finish it this weekend/early next week