Updates: Actions, Adventure, and Horror categories are reduced to 5 entries (from 10) due to overall participants’ interest. Adventure and horror categories are still open for applications. ✅ Romance, fantasy, and action categories are closed for applications. Romance, fantasy, and action category entries are going to be handed over to the judges. ⚖️ Once adventure and horror categories fill up, they'll be handed over to judges, too.
@CommunityForWriters -- my discord is or you can just post it on my Wattpad conversations feed and I'll remove it after I copy it. Thanks!
@CommunityForWriters -- I was wondering about this awards contest. You closed it in April. On May 28th, I actually pulled the story I had entered off of Wattpad for personal reasons. I was wondering if the review was ever done and if I could get a copy of it? I know it is now disqualified, but I would still like to see the review so I can use the comments to better the story before reposting it.