
I'm taking a hiatus from writing. Just wanted y'all to know that!


A chapter of my book ''IT'S YOU'' will be up from time to time because I have so much going on, I'm very busy and stuff like that. So, I apologize if you have to wait a bit longer sometimes. A new chapter is now up, though, but please remember that it can time a bit of time sometimes for a new chapter to be up. :)


Hey y'all!
          Sorry to keep you all waiting for the next chapter of my book ''IT'S YOU'', I can confirm that the next chapter is coming possibly this week. I've just been VERY busy with all kinds of things including work, a lot is happening at once and I apologise for that. Thanks for much for over 8k reads on the book and thanks to those commenting as well. I appreciate it so much <3 
          So, keep an eye out for the next chapter!


I was wondering when u will post chapter 60, and no dont get me wrong take ur time and just know that you are really talented by all that writing and ideas 


@TessXoWrites nah its ok take ur time


@Melxsturn Also it's chapter 59 that's coming first before chapter 60, just want to clarify haha


The next chapter of my book ''IT'S YOU'' is in the process, I've been SO busy with work and stuff so I apologize for that. I appreciate you guys being patient with me <3


@TessXoWrites im really into this series i just binge read like 15 chapters and i was wondering how many chapters are you looking forward in making, is it gonna be longer that 60 chapters or is it still not decided because i really live this story but i cant read alot my neck is in pain 


Finally a new chapter of ''IT'S YOU'' is up after like 100 years, and I'm sorry about the wait. I've just been busy with everything, and I'm currently very busy with my job stuff as well which is taking up both energy and time. But I write when I have the energy to because I still very much love it, and more chapters is to come.
          The next one is already in the works :) xx


I'm working on the next chapter of my book ''IT'S YOU'' is in the works, I'm not trying to rush because I don't want the chapters to be sloppy. Plus, it was my birthday yesterday, so I've been quite busy. But it's coming, I promise!
          Ps. Thanks for 5,9k reads on the book, I appreciate y'all so much! xx


Oh wow my spelling is wonderful, I meant that it's in the works. I have no clue wtf happened with my grammar there, I guess I'm tired lol