
Ok guys therapy is now up, so go get reading, I'm quite happy with this chapter xx :)


So guys, today I realised that somtimes your friends will just leave you if somthing better comes along, I would just like to thank @chloeboom for being there for me no matter what, for always making me smile. Where as @funkyape thanks for ditching me, thanks for not bothering to talk to me unless jess was not there I appreciate it... X 


Heyy guys it's Emily, so I need your help, today, I was a compete an utter bitch to @chloeboom , I took out all my anger other people put towards me and pushed it at her, Chloe, I'm sorry, please forgive me, guys I need you to help me, I don't want to lose her again, she is truly amazing, I need all of you to send @chloeboom a message and tell her I'm sorry, tell her I was a bitch, tell her to forgive me, tell her I was a serious bastard, please guys she is everything to me. Thankyou x