
@ComradeWind hello!


@ComradeWind can I tell him your reddit?


@ComradeWind did you get my discord request?


Oigan, estoy haciendo un fanfic de Bluey, y quiero que me salga muy bien, pero tengo un par de problemas: SOY LATINO, me gustaría que me cuenten cosas Australianas pls, no se, comida de Australia (Con que se coma ahí me basta), Deportes que se juegan allí, Sus animales, plantas, TODO. Porque bueno, ya saben, Bluey es de Brisbane: Australia. Diganme todo lo que sepan, no importa si no viven allí
          (A, ¿y me podrian explicar como se juega el Cricket?)
          Hey, I'm making a Bluey fanfic, and I want it to turn out really well, but I have a couple of problems: I'm LATIN, I'd like you to tell me about Australian things pls, I don't know, food from Australia (I'm satisfied with what they eat there), sports that are played there, their animals, plants, EVERYTHING. Because, well, you know, Bluey is from Brisbane: Australia. Tell me everything you know, it doesn't matter if you don't live there.
          (Oh, and could you explain to me how to play Cricket?)
          This message will be sent to everyone I know who has a Bluey fanfic
          (Este mensaje se enviara a todos los que se tienen un fanfic de Bluey)


@ComradeWind hey, names jerry, me and cricket made a group called bluey weridos just for fun. wanted to ask if you wanted to be a memeber of are group. and also it would be nice to get to know ya.


@hornjerry5000 Yup, I'm from Mexico State


this message may be offensive
@ComradeWind Wind. i have heard about your story. i learned what 988 is. i know both you and Captain_Fun been through a lot. but just know that you are still a human being like everyone else and still matter. i am very sorry you have to go through so much pain mate. but just know you matter, cricket and everyone else are their for you, they care for you. if you ever need to talk, just come talk to me. im your new friend who will try and help be their for you. i mean it when i say im sorry for you. everyone should be happy and have a smile pop on their face. you should not be sad, because the world is your home. you will always matter, and if you here someone say otherwise, screw them, because its just not true. they are just an asshole if they think that. but just know that me sending this message to you is suppose to tell you that your not along, you have friends mate, remeber that. if you need a friend to talk to, message me.


-Get organised: Get your peers together, we are stronger together and we have much more in common amongst us than with them.
          -If able, start working out: The revolution isn't going to be fought with words, but with actions. Fascism is only Capitalism finally devouring itself for the last cent. It has a monopoly on violence, and is not afraid to use it. Get prepared to defend you and your loved ones. Do it for those who can't.
          -Read some theory: Hooray! We've overthrown the regime! Now what? Liberalism has not helped prevent this situation, in fact, it has helped foster it. The future needs people to lead it, and reading a few pages can get us a long way.
          -Get security together: We live in an era in which all our actions are surveilled. Do some research on privacy and apply it on your life. 'Surveillance Self-defense' by the Electronic Frontier Foundation is one of my favourite resources.
          History is written by contradictions, and although we have some precedent to look back on, this is a new page on history books. The contradictions are sharpening, and unlike what you may think in these dark times, victory is much closer than it may seem. When freedom isn't a right, rebellion becomes an obligation. We have much more in common than you may think now. 
          Remember, there's never a spare comrade nor a missed traitor.


@ComradeWind beat thoughs I ever heard from any man.