
begging i plea, 
          	listen to me, 
          	hear me out, 
          	i wish to be, 
          	to be better than i am now, 
          	to be smarter, 
          	and braver, 
          	to be better in everyway, 
          	hear my plea, 
          	listen to my heart, 
          	don't hear my mind out, 
          	it will only break me, 
          	listen to my heart, 
          	and know ill be better, 
          	ill try,
          	im trying. 
          	                                    -your hopeful artist


begging i plea, 
          listen to me, 
          hear me out, 
          i wish to be, 
          to be better than i am now, 
          to be smarter, 
          and braver, 
          to be better in everyway, 
          hear my plea, 
          listen to my heart, 
          don't hear my mind out, 
          it will only break me, 
          listen to my heart, 
          and know ill be better, 
          ill try,
          im trying. 
                                              -your hopeful artist


spiraling out of control, 
          my heart falls to the floor, 
          the blood fills my mouth as i speak those sharp words, 
          lies off my tongue, 
          'i don't love you', 
          lying to my soul, 
          my heart left me with no feeling at all, 
          listening to the pain, 
          hearing what was once my name, 
          watching as everyone passes the blame, 
          but i know, 
          i know who's to blame for every voice, 
          every word, 
          every little thing that ruined me, 
          that horrible person was me. 
                                                -your suicidal artist


"I once begged someone to love me as much as I loved them. 
          It is the saddest thing I've ever done. "
          the sorrow in my life being emptied by the numbness cause by the reality that they never will. 
          they will never love me the same way I love them. 
          no matter who it is. 
          when it happens. 
          or how much I wish it to happen. 
          they will never love me that much, 
          that truly, 
          that sincerely, 
          without getting anything in return. 
          I am simply not worth it.


sweet sweet pain, 
          the suicidal child's sunlight, 
          I'm falling to. 
          and I don't thing I'll be back up anytime soon. 
          waiting and waiting,
          i find no reason to.


@Dichterliebe no, its ok. I'll figure it all out eventually, thank you so much for asking though.


@Con15con Oh. I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to help you?


@Dichterliebe im not doing ok. theres not a thing i can do about it though. and i really dont know how to explain or talk about it all.



@Aang151Rron I'm looking at them right now and will add your books to my reading list