
I posted a new book come check it out!


Who is cyber bullying you? I'll give them a taste of their own medicine! So what if your grammar is not perfect? No one is born with a great grammar. We all learn. You should continue what you like to do. Ignore those haters and bullies. If you got problems, I'll help you. Nobody deserves to be treated badly (excepts those who to bad).


@Condompuncher9000 I make myself cry by writing or imagining sad stuff so you're fine. Feel free to DM me.


@DanielleNight Thanks  personally I'm just hurt cause I'm a super sensitive girl, basically I cry when I see someone else cry


@DanielleNight Screw them. You continue your days and they'll get hit by Karma. You did nothing wrong.


Hey guys I got a new hate comment from @FlowerSeeds314 saying my Grammer is horrible and surprised that I have any followers or stars, even comments, basically saying my books are horrible and down right awful, then decided to be a coward and blocked me cause she is to scared about what I had to say. But I already reported her count for cyberbullying but I would like a bit of your guys's help if you would be so kind us to sending her my love if you know what I mean


I'm gonna give the hawks book a break guys and I am gonna try to focus on my brand new book coming about a shape shifter that was frozen in time for hundreds of years waking up to a entirely new found world full of heroes now I need you guys to do a vote on what character you get shipped with and who ever is the highest will be the winner and the vote ends in 4 days the people are, Izuku Midoriya, Toshinori Yagi (All might) Hawks, or bakugou


do we vote here? if so definitely bakugou ☺️ but you should write about whatever you want to, so if you wanna write about something else you do that


Hey guys I got writers block got any ideas I should put for the next chapter in hawks yandere


this message may be offensive
you should do another smut/lemon, but like bed and breakfast style because that shit is wholesome 


Hello there! I'm just here to say that your books are amazing and keep up the good work! I'm sure your books will be blowing up in the future because of how awesome they are! Once again, amazing job on your books! :)


@Hawks_Songbird726 thank you so much  your so sweet!