That's it I've had enough....
This is my about me. ...In a comment with It!!!
Ummm Heyy there??
My name is... ( lets not say)
I'm 5'3 ( short )
I have Bright red hair ( short but extensions for my cosplay :D )
My favourite feature is my bright blue eyes that change colour according to the weather.
My age is. . . . . . None of your concern :P but feel free to try and guess!!!
I love reading it's one of my favourite things to do. I especially like reading everyone's books on here they are all so good.
I like writing stories myself, I can come up with some crazy stories on the spot but I'm not very good at putting them into...words(books ...something people can read)? :/
But hey its worth a shot right??? please feel free to leave comments I'd love to know what you all think :D