
 Bonjour my loves.
          	Chapter 39 of Italian Mafia's Princess is updated on scroll stack.
          	Wattpad readers will get the chapter 37, 38, 39 on Wednesday as some readers couldn't read the previous chapters.
          	But Guy please manage your calander accordingly as the chapters will be removed from here after 1-2 days.
          	Thank you so much.




 Bonjour my loves.
          Chapter 39 of Italian Mafia's Princess is updated on scroll stack.
          Wattpad readers will get the chapter 37, 38, 39 on Wednesday as some readers couldn't read the previous chapters.
          But Guy please manage your calander accordingly as the chapters will be removed from here after 1-2 days.
          Thank you so much.




Bonjour my loves.
          I just posted a spoiler of the next chapter on instagram. You guys can check it out.
          Thank you.


@IdhikaRawat  Please check my Wattpad profile for my Instagram link or you can find it on my scroll stack profile.


            Author please give the link ....


Hey Guys.
          Umm... I wanna ask something.
          So I read this story about Thanatos and the daughter of Hades and Persephone on this platform. But somehow I can't find it now. 
          I think it's name is quite similar to "How I fell for death" or "how i became death's bride" I am not sure and worst I can't even remember the author's name. So if any of you guys know about the story please do let me know.
          It's a quite old story and It's been 2 years or so since I read that story and I absolutely loved it.
          If anyone find it then please let me know.
          Thank you.


@Confused_Missy author please update your story and come back


@Confused_Missy sissy your story is best. When are you going to update 


Thank you so much Buddy. I didn't check it but thanks for your help.


Hey there author!
          Hope you’re doing good.
          First of all your story is amazing and I mean it and if you are reading this message then plzz believe me that your story has so much potential. Being a reader I have seen and read so many other stories and usually many authors struggle in the initial phase but eventually they garner so many votes and followers, it is all about how frequently you post the chapters then the story starts to come under top 10.
          If you are reading this then please know patience is the key and when you work diligently, the hard-work pays off, trust me.
          Now it’s upto you whether you want to continue or not.
          Good luck for your future endeavours.
          Your honest reader.