
          	Hi everyone! I know I haven’t updated my stories in a long time and I’m really sorry for those who’ve been waiting and asking me for updates
          	I’ve just been struggling a lot with school, and I’ve also been in a deep writing slump in the past few months, I’ve only just recently started to get out of it
          	I’ve been writing a Jujutsu Kaisen fanfic (Gojo x OC x Geto+ Nanami) that I will start publishing soon, I know I’ve only written Tokyo Revengers fanfics so far, but I hope you guys will like this JJK one
          	I’ll also try to continue updating my other stories soon!
          	Love you guys ♡ And sorry again for the wait


YES i reinstalled wattpad and this happened


I'm just glad ur alive  when you get to updates then ya get to them. Just please don't ghost us for months XD


Omg I'm so happy you're back. Please focus on yourself! You're the only reason why I kept this app 


I am here to say that no ffc was ever good to me as much as 'sex bucket list' was  i really wish you can make something like that again or something it was fire and i have to say i did read it 5 times and never got enough of it ❤


hi! look i really love your work « sex bucket list » and i was wondering if i can translate it into my language (french) cuz the french community don’t really have any good fan fiction or very few in our language, and the bilingual ones often read stories in english or spanish. Of course i will credits you and say that it’s only a translation and the real one is on your account. Thank for your works and you have all my support, see ya!! <33


y'a deja plusieurs traductions en français 


@ shiitake0 MDRR C MÉCHANTT