Hey, we're Cody and Tyler!
Once upon a time, we were scrolling through Wattpad and found that some people just didn't understand originality or, in fact, how to write in general. Thus, ConstructiveReviews was born!
Let us go over a few basic rules... shall we?
1. Do not describe your main character in the first few paragraphs. It sounds unprofessional. (If what your character is wearing is really that important, please tell us about it gradually.)
2. Do not use 'said' all the time, there are so many words other than 'said'.
3. If you are writing a Fan Fiction, stay true to the characters personalities. (If they would not cry in the original manuscript, do not make them cry unless that is what you are changing about the story.)
4. Please separate your story into paragraphs. (Yes, some people don't do this...)
5. If two characters are speaking, you don't have to add tags after every single thing they say. I mean really...
6. If you are trying to be super formal, you may indent. (Recommended)
7. Let us honor the makers of grammar for creating the o' great QUOTATION MARKS, and USE THEM EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE... thanks.
There are more rules of course... we just can't fit them all. If you have anything to add, just tell us in the dooblydoo below! :3
Now, let us go over something very important...
There: a place
ex. A zombie is standing over there.
Their: to show possession
ex. He is their zombie.
They're: a contraction of 'they' and 'are'
ex. They're zombies. They're going to eat our brains. I bet they're delicious.
Your: showing possession
ex. I like your zombie.
You're: a contraction of 'you' and 'are'
ex. You're a zombie.
To: expressing motion in the direction of
ex. We went to the zombie's house.
Too: also
ex. Cody got eaten by zombies, too! (Hey! Tyler!)
Two: a number (you should know this)
ex. There are two zombies over there.
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- Where No One Has Gone Before
- JoinedMarch 27, 2014
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Hey! Sorry we've been gone for so long, we've had to deal with moving houses and school. We'll try to keep up with this account in the future!-CodyView all Conversations