
Sorry for the inactivity guys!
          	I think I'll be taking a small break.



Thanks! That was a fun one! :D
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I'm sorry guys, it's KEKamalP here, as some of you may know, coversandcontests is on a hiatus, and no I'm not taking one too, not to alarm you, but I think I need to take a small pause.
          So I will be coming on, I'm not on a complete pause, don't worry, but I will be here, just not doing anything really, keep your entries coming, please do! I'll be here to judge contest 5 for the writing contest, it's just that I'll be very inactive, I will still be around. Any questions? Contact me through my account @KEKamalP or you can post here, but I won't respond as quick as usual.
          I decided to do this because it's hard balancing so much especially when my partner isn't here
          I hope this is okay, don't worry, I'm still here, not dead or nothing, but I'm here.



@Contest_Central I'm going to check it. Thank you!
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@PsychoCentric Contest 5 is already up and running :)
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