
Wow, didn't realize it has already been a year since I been on here. I have a lot of thing changing in my life! I'm a mother now and very proud of my little one. I'm also now working at multiple jobs making it very hard to keep up with anything in my life, but willing to keep trying to write while in my free time. Hopefully I haven't lost a lot of people due to being absent for so long.


@Coocoobird1100 Wow, congradulations on being on here, and your little one, they are so precious, time flies though, good luck with the little one, congradulations again, will be waiting to read more of what you write


Wow, didn't realize it has already been a year since I been on here. I have a lot of thing changing in my life! I'm a mother now and very proud of my little one. I'm also now working at multiple jobs making it very hard to keep up with anything in my life, but willing to keep trying to write while in my free time. Hopefully I haven't lost a lot of people due to being absent for so long.


@Coocoobird1100 Wow, congradulations on being on here, and your little one, they are so precious, time flies though, good luck with the little one, congradulations again, will be waiting to read more of what you write


Ok, so I know I haven't been on here a lot. I'm a grown adult who is a workaholic. I'm trying very hard to keep updating my things as possible. I am currently done working at Dead End Hayride and now on a family vacation. Hoping to get more stuff done.


Oh my gosh you guys! I didn't even realize I haven't been on here for a year! I mean I have to keep writing, but haven't published anything for over a year. I'm so sorry! I plan on doing updates, just trying to figure things out with my life.


Hello! I've gain quick a few followers, so welcome to my world of madness. Looking at my previous posts, I haven't posted since January, which is quite sad for me. To start off, I have been doing quite a lot in my acting thing, I've been a movie extra for a movie called House Of Tomorrow (reading the book as well), and now I am in a play in Hugo called Disney Villains. Since I've been busy, I haven't done much writing, but I have plenty of time right now because of the play thing. I only work once a week as of right now, so I have plenty of time to write and finish painting my room. What have you been up to?


I won't be able to update for a while. I got accepted by iPOP! (International Presentation of Performers), and I need to save for this. I would appreciate it if you could help me raise money on there is more information on there about the whole situation. Spread the news and help, it is greatly appreciated.


So sorry for not being able to update my current fan fiction with Harry Potter, school has started up and I am a senior. Being said I also have a showcase this Saturday, so things might  be even more complicated, the showcase is for my (maybe) acting career. I still want to thank every one of my readers and followers if they read this.