
*looks at one of my stories*
          	*looks at a rewrite idea I have for it*
          	… *deep sigh*


For the past… month or so, I’ve been sometimes randomly thinking about changing my username here. Maybe even change my profile picture some.
          Doing both would be a massive change, yeah, but… I’m not sure how much I like my username anymore. Besides, I think I need a change, because it has been a long time since I’ve changed my profile.
          Changing my username might cause some confusion with books and all, but I think I’ve changed the only book I’ve technically continued a lot with a potential rewrite.
          I’m still gonna be Cookie, as I have a lot of attachment to the name. But.. I just want to get the above out, Y’know? I might do it, I might not.
          Hopefully, I don’t confuse anyone if I go through with the change.


It’s good to see you again as well! I’ve decided to change both my username and profile picture. I’m going to change my picture sometime this week and think of a new username.


@CrazyCookieCatGirl_2 great to see you again! You can make any change you want :) can't wait to find out what your decision is!


           (Announcing this in case anyone who follows me likes Mystreet)
          I just found out Aphmau’s going to make a new season of Mystreet. Here’s a link that I found (Hopefully it works) :
          I want to talk a bit about something I noticed and my feelings about the new season. So, I’ll put a bit up so you might not be spoilered if you don’t want spoilers-
           I noticed the logo for this season has both a star and Aphmau holding a mask, specially a wolf mask. I know this just might be its own thing, but Emerald Secret has a wolf as part of its logo, and Starlight has, well a star- obviously. I wonder if this season will connect more to those two seasons. … Probably not, as the teaser for the season was focused on Aphmau recalling the past, moreso Phoenix Drop High.
           I think the mask part might mean Aphmau will have to hide something, though I don’t know what…
          Now, onto my feelings about the season:
          I’m… honestly conflicted. While, yes, I am somewhat happy to see Mystreet get a new season after.. *checks calendar (/hj)* about five years… I’ve also grown out of Aphmau’s content. Maybe it’s a bit- I don’t know, bittersweet? Would that work in this context?
          Anyways— I don’t know if I’ll watch the new season, maybe I’ll wait to see what people think of it beforehand.
          … Geez, this announcement is long— Apologies to everyone-


           I’ve been watching Ninjago season 8 recently (I know I know- I’m watching it very slowly) but I’m just… wondering something.
          Why were rumors of Garmadon stopping the Great Devourer spreading so quickly? /HOW/ did people know he defeated it?
          And maybe this question is silly but— Why did people believe Garmadon to be a hero? 
          I know it was there to stir conflict but still-


I apologize if this sounds more like an excuse than a reason, but I’m unsure if I can continue the “Writing Prompt a Week” challenge I set myself. There’s… been a bit of a situation irl, and I’m uncertain if I can continue writing as of now.
          Maybe, for now, I’ll put a pause on it. Hopefully not a long pause… I’ll think about it more?


          I’m thinking about doing a ‘Writing Prompt a Week’ thing, like work on a certain prompt every week for the month of June. I’m also thinking of increasing the minimum word count each day. Like- I write 200 one day, the next 300, the next 400, so on-


… I am not doing good with this idea this week it seems- Okay, new goal for this week: Get the current story to 1,000 words by Saturday.
            Hopefully I get that done..


I did not realize that today is Sunday, which is the day I planned to post the writing prompt of the previous week. 
            I might just work on two at once to make up for not posting one today. Or- I might quickly finish last week’s prompt and post it- I dunno.


Help how do I explain how universes and stuff work in my lore- 
           Cause I probably need to get that figured out before I post anything related to alternate universes or something—


Oooo! Those ideas are amazing, thank you both!


@CrazyCookieCatGirl_2 Maybe something like metaphors? Mirror images, webs, chose your own adventure charts? My explanation for mine is like crystals connected by some sort of web


@CrazyCookieCatGirl_2 Maybe you can explain how your universe is different


I’m watching FavremySabre’s Steve videos because one appeared on my recommended page, and the nostalgia of the Blue Steve videos- I don’t exactly remember the Light Steve videos, but.. Did- Did FavremySabre actually throw steak to Light Steve???


I randomly found a “Cooking with Time Steve” video and I’m officially scared of Time and Elemental Steve-


*stares at my books*
          I did not stick to my plan of updating them every month-
          I might put them on hiatus until I finish a few chapters for each. I was also thinking about making a sort of one-shot book, in hopes of getting me to write more. Said book would be sporadically updated- I dunno, I’ll think it over.