
Hey, how's everyone, I just wanted to say that I'm dead.
          	Just kidding. 
          	Or not ?
          	Anyways, I just wanted to say that I'm doing fine though let's say that life has been very busy these days couple with my inability to put my ideas into words has made impossible to write a passable chapter so there won't be updates any time soon, sorry about that. That's all I wanted to say folks, take care.  
          	PS: I'm not quitting writing


          	  I wanted to say that I understand your feelings perfectly. There are times when expressing your thoughts in words becomes especially difficult. It is important to remember that sometimes breaks are necessary to regain strength and inspiration. Don't worry, we all face difficulties along the way.
          	  You have already achieved a lot, and your readers will definitely wait for new chapters. Take care and may this busy period go smoothly. We are all with you and support you!
          	  Best regards, Ykkero


you better not quit, I'm still waiting for another Mahiru book chapter 


Hey, how's everyone, I just wanted to say that I'm dead.
          Just kidding. 
          Or not ?
          Anyways, I just wanted to say that I'm doing fine though let's say that life has been very busy these days couple with my inability to put my ideas into words has made impossible to write a passable chapter so there won't be updates any time soon, sorry about that. That's all I wanted to say folks, take care.  
          PS: I'm not quitting writing


            I wanted to say that I understand your feelings perfectly. There are times when expressing your thoughts in words becomes especially difficult. It is important to remember that sometimes breaks are necessary to regain strength and inspiration. Don't worry, we all face difficulties along the way.
            You have already achieved a lot, and your readers will definitely wait for new chapters. Take care and may this busy period go smoothly. We are all with you and support you!
            Best regards, Ykkero


you better not quit, I'm still waiting for another Mahiru book chapter 


Hey, everyone, are you all doing fine? I hope you are. Anyways, I'm just writing this to show some signs of live you know. Speaking of which, I hadn't upload due to many reasons but the main one would be a writer's block, couple with the few free time I have it's even worse. It doesn't help that I started reading a new novel, if you're curious it's called "I killed the player of the academy". Don't worry I hadn't given up on writing I just kind of can't. That's all folks, take care.


@ Cookie-4IS  good take care


Sorry author, I wanted to ask if you update the story every month or will you only update when you have time


@DayatDayat777 That's a complicated question, I just write when I can. It's not a matter of time but it's something along the lines that I can't propertly write what's on my mind, I'm working on that. By the way, I already have a draft, it's only half way done though.


Hi, I really liked your fanfic about Ayanokoji and Mahiru.  Therefore, I would like to make a fanfic based on the type of reaction, after seeing you already understand who will react.  This will be my first time making editorial fanfic based on someone else's work, so I wanted to ask your permission to create a reactionary fanfic based on your story.


Thanks I'll try


@Ykkero Sure, why not, just don't expect long or frequent updates lol.


Hey everyone, I'm just writing this to show that I'm not dead. Actually I've been busy and meet a writer block so no chapter this week again. By the way, the only reason I decided to write this announcement was that I wanted to share a manga I had just read. It's called Piano duo for the left hand. That's all folks, take care.
          PS: I'd be the longest chapter I'll make, I'm stuck on 1.6k words and I hope to reach 5k, I have a long way to go.


@Cookie-4IS Take as much time as you want, we will wait


@ Cookie-4IS  its ok buddy take your time, no need to rush


@Cookie-4IS will be waiting for the update of soulmates story been a while since the last update


Hello everyone, I'm sorry but I'm not dead. I had just been busy, by the way it will continue for a while, how long, who knows. Actually I kind of have a chapter half done since last week or more I have no idea. Anyway, the point of it is that I hadn't give up I'll continue writing though at a slower pace. That's all folks take care.


@Cookie-4IS understandable some authors are the same as you