
Hello! I hope everyone is doing well during these rough times. I hope all of this will be over soon. I was texting with my friends recently and we all agreed that even the students (like me) who don't like school, miss it now because they have nowhere to go and nothing to do. I hope you all have something to keep yourselves entertained. Please stay safe! Love you all!!!


Hello! I hope everyone is doing well during these rough times. I hope all of this will be over soon. I was texting with my friends recently and we all agreed that even the students (like me) who don't like school, miss it now because they have nowhere to go and nothing to do. I hope you all have something to keep yourselves entertained. Please stay safe! Love you all!!!


Frist of cookie i am not a jerk and 2 you are sweet


You were talking to me.. 


I would like to protest the description, Cookie. I am very sweet like chocolate chip cookies but you can be a sour cookie so sush! 


Ima going too message you on a different part of this app so we're not talking on your message board lol


Btw its not going to be any good as i dont watch the most recent my street i will make a AU 'alternate universe' with the same characters tho


@Winter_Plays duh. Thats like the only real series i watch of hers