
Heya guys I got a question is it only me or does anyone else agree that America would be a girl because where I live I've heard my entire life people calling America she/her and when I seen hetalia books a was confused because most of the books are male America, also no Offense to people who make rusame books some of them ain't bad but isn't lgbt+ community banned in Russia? like I could possibly see rusame but either russia or America gotta be a girl ( I like fem America more) I haven't seen many books about fem America it's very rare to find one. Also this was just a thought that I wanted to share I mean no Offence at all :]


Heya guys I got a question is it only me or does anyone else agree that America would be a girl because where I live I've heard my entire life people calling America she/her and when I seen hetalia books a was confused because most of the books are male America, also no Offense to people who make rusame books some of them ain't bad but isn't lgbt+ community banned in Russia? like I could possibly see rusame but either russia or America gotta be a girl ( I like fem America more) I haven't seen many books about fem America it's very rare to find one. Also this was just a thought that I wanted to share I mean no Offence at all :]


I'm gonna be a aunty!!!! Me and my family just got news from my big bro that him and his wife is pregnant!!!! I soo can't wait to see the baby! 


@Cookie_Himiko AWWWW CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@Great_Student100 thank you, I can't wait to see my nephew/niece >=]


So guys I have some news you see I think I'm gonna leave wattpad I want to have a new start and I think I should but I don't  know and if I do I might come back in a few years when I get my own phone so question should I leave or no? 


@Cookie_Himiko hmm I'm thinking that I'll just use wattpad at night since I can barely sleep and I'm bored at night!! 


Btw this is my new user


Happy Halloween guys I hope you guys have a spooky time!!! 


@dollfortoji I hope you get better mi luna


@Cookie_Himiko that's good to hear ml!! Not the best tbh, my mental health is really shitty 