
Hey guys,
          	I'm happy to announce that I got into my dream university with better grades than expected.
          	I am to begin studying a Primary Education degree in four weeks time.
          	I'm so happy and I wouldn't have found a little more belief in myself if it weren't for all the support you have all given me.
          	I love you all,
          	Love Phoebe xx


Hi, just saw that you’re British! I’m a GCSE student (obviously reading your books through revision time hehe!) and I wondered how you got through exam periods? Thanks!


@awritercalledemma Aw thank you! Good luck! Let me know how your exams go and results in August 


Thank you so much!! I love your books by the way! :)


@awritercalledemma Hi. Honestly looking back I would have rather have sat 13 more GCSE exams compared to my A Level exams which got me into university.
            The only proper advice I can give you is past paper after past paper and if you run out of past papers for that module try the first one you did again. 
            And find something you enjoy doing to relax. 
            Get lots of fresh air.
            Go for walks. Try and achieve the government's 10000 steps goal per day and I promise you you will feel relaxed and ready to revise again.
            Don't revise for centuries.s but don't relax for longer than you should.
            Get enough sleep too. Try an early night and try and get at least 8 hours sleep each night leading up to and during exams.
            Also, prioritise your revision. Don't revise the easy stuff first. Revise the subjects of struggle. 
            Set yourself a goal. Where will certain grades get you to your goal? Will you achieve you goal if you work hard or if you don't?
            That's how I got through my exams both GCSE and A Level.
            I still have some regrets about not trying harder in subjects such as GCSE Spanish (despite passing all my 11 subjects with 16 exams) but then again I got the grades I needed and I'm now finishing my first year of university with firsts (the top grade).
            Hope this helped. 
            And good luck you'll do amazingly well!! Xx


Hey guys,
          I'm happy to announce that I got into my dream university with better grades than expected.
          I am to begin studying a Primary Education degree in four weeks time.
          I'm so happy and I wouldn't have found a little more belief in myself if it weren't for all the support you have all given me.
          I love you all,
          Love Phoebe xx


So guys it's my birthday today. Hit the big 1 8. I have been showered in nothing but love today by family and friends.
          I would just like to thank you all for being here with me every step of the way, supporting my journey and my books.
          I love you all.
          Phoebe xx


@Cookie_TW I know I'm a bit late since the announcement but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


@Yavanna80 Yes! Thank you x


Thank you so much for the follow!! I thought you followed me back? *dubious look*
          Anyways, thanks!!!


Naaah, no probs. Happened to me as well with some users! Hahahaha


@Yavanna80 I thought I had as well, must have accidentally pressed the follow bit and unfollowed you by mistake, sorry x