
Hi!!!!!!!!! A Knights Fall From Grace IS BACK! Please go check it out, I hope you like it! :D


I just uploaded a new book! Its called Once Bitten Twice Shy, please check it out if you want. I hope some of you enjoy it, also a new chapter of 9 Lives of Lynx is out today as well. Chapter 12 of The Forced Queen should be out this week hopefully. Thank you to everyone so far who have read my books, I really appreciate it!


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I like how you add books to a reading list called “don’t read because it’s fucking romance” when you, in fact, write a book about gay romance. Let me just say, that’s hypocritical of you. Not just that, I’ve read quite a few of those books. They aren’t based on romance. So before you go around and tell people to not read a book, maybe don’t be such a hypocrite.


@Cookietvlove1230 oh ok. Yeah I mistook it the wrong way. I’m sorry. It’s fine, those are your personal preferences, I just felt kinda hurt when I thought it was hypocrisy. I’m sorry lmao


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@Swampertman Im sorry, I didnt mean to offend you if I did. I probably sound stupid, but I dont like reading about straight relationships. I see it everywhere in tv shows, books, movies, everything. I hate it. I mostly hate it because I cant find anything special about reading them, its always the same thing over and over again. I also dont like it when the main character falls in love, which is why I avoid it. It sometimes really infuriates me because I just want a book that has a male lead and no love intrests, and a good story. I always never end up finding any. Again im sorry if I offended you. Your book is great I just didn't like that fact it had romance in it at all, its just my fucked up prefrences. I'll change the list name to avoid people getting the wrong idea.


@Swampertman tbh I forgot this even happened 