
4 years. August. 4 years ago in August I lost so many friends. I tried to hold on but the distance was too much. Now I'm nothing but a stranger to them. Yet I still wonder if they remember me. If they miss me as much as I miss them. If they cried as hard as I did. If they still yearn to be friends again or if they moved on long ago. Its things like this that keep me awake. I have nobody to blame except for myself. I should've tried harder. Done better. Worked smarter. I still find myself bawling my eyes out sometimes. 4years later. I still haven't gotten over it. My family has. And if they haven't they don't show it. so neither do I. It gets real hard some days. And I might be able to contact some of them. But I don't think it'll help anyone. They won't remember and I'll be left broken even more. Maybe I have a problem. I can't let it go. Its an issue. I know it is. But why would I let it go when I hold so many memories close to my heart?


4 years. August. 4 years ago in August I lost so many friends. I tried to hold on but the distance was too much. Now I'm nothing but a stranger to them. Yet I still wonder if they remember me. If they miss me as much as I miss them. If they cried as hard as I did. If they still yearn to be friends again or if they moved on long ago. Its things like this that keep me awake. I have nobody to blame except for myself. I should've tried harder. Done better. Worked smarter. I still find myself bawling my eyes out sometimes. 4years later. I still haven't gotten over it. My family has. And if they haven't they don't show it. so neither do I. It gets real hard some days. And I might be able to contact some of them. But I don't think it'll help anyone. They won't remember and I'll be left broken even more. Maybe I have a problem. I can't let it go. Its an issue. I know it is. But why would I let it go when I hold so many memories close to my heart?


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Very unrelated but we may be getting another dog and I wanted to know if you guys had any dog name suggestions. Apparently I'm in charge of naming it (which in hindsight was terrible) 
          The only restriction is that it has to start with a K. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Help a dumb bitch out please.


Dope thanks for the name I'll tell you if it gets picked or not!


It's a girl


I accidentally ran into this girl yesterday and she helped me regain my balance and said something along the lines of "sorry babe" and I know it's common in the south but like my heart 
          (I tried to say sorry back but she had already left and my gay wasn't ready for that interaction)


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Lol I just shook myself awake. 
          How did I do it?
          Haha well I was dreaming and I saw a puddle and the inner peppa pig in me said to jump but there was thing but ass hornet so I fucking ran but it attacked me.
          Happy pride you gay bitches


So I just had a mint in my mouth and I hit into it and I thought I chipped my tooth. Luckily my teeth good.
          Anyways, how's your day or night going? I'm gonna try to update my stories, whether on here or quotev I honestly don't know, but hopefully sometime today or early morning tomorrow.
          Stay safe, be that bitch, and conquer the world.