I've started writing again! It's not a new book it's still my first one I've just changed the name from 'Only Mine' to 'The Story Of Us' sooo... Now you know!
I've started writing again! It's not a new book it's still my first one I've just changed the name from 'Only Mine' to 'The Story Of Us' sooo... Now you know!
@SplendorBella me llamo Rafia, ¿y tu? I know I cried a river (literally) when I watched it and when it ended everyone in the theater started to go but I was still sitting there crying.... yes I have it was pretty good but it felt like the hunger games caching fire a lot :/ But I still liked it!
BTW thanks for the follow♥
@rafia_s ¿come ye llamas? I'm not Spanish as well BTW the fault in our stars best movie EVER I lobe Hazel n Augustus.... n have u watch divergent???? if u haven't uve gotta watch that its....... @m@z!ng