Hey, Silent Readers!
I'm just here to let you peeps know that I'm thinking of making another book (inspired by ElloFangs go check her out cause she's got some cool stuff and maybe you might like it), I'm thinking of calling it I'm Fine, Trust Me. It's basically a collection of quotes that I closely relate to, but never really thought about making a book about it until I saw ElloFangs' account (seriously, what are you doing? Go check her out!!). And as for my other book, Love You Forever, I'm pretty sure that it is an abandoned book at this point. Which makes sense, I can tell that it was a spur of the moment idea and I didn't really think it through. But despite the fact that I won't be adding anymore chapters to Love You Forever, I will not delete it or take it down. Simply because I know that with over 7.1 billion people on this planet, and with my small gathering of 28 followers (thanks so much, guys!!! I literally never thought I would get over 5!!), I'm sure someone out there, in this world that book makes someone happy.
With that said, I've looked over my grammar in my past book and realized that I had a LOT of mistakes. This time, I have learned from my mistakes and will try my best not to enrage those GrammarNazis out there (I'm thinking about you, too!). So hopefully, this will turn out a little better than my other book.
With all the best,
Oh my god, I almost forgot to say Don't Be A Sad Panda!!!
Carry on. :)