
nope i am back. anyways everything here is outdated so. like. dont trust it. everything is being reworked. 


nope i am back. anyways everything here is outdated so. like. dont trust it. everything is being reworked. 


Honey boo boo bear can you write a book abt our wedding  
          - Love, ur wife Chicwithadick


if you ever asked me to say 3 positive things about myself id stay silent and never come up eith anything


do you ever just start drawing smthing and it looks like your best piece you've ever made 
          and then 5 minutes later after its done you look at it again and you go "ew what was i thinking"


@Copperheadboi no but I start writing something in the middle of a hyperfixation (also related to said fixation) and then I move onto something else and I don't want to write it anymore. Basically what happened with my latest book. I'm begging my brain to make me get obsessed with Naruto again so it doesn't feel like pulling teeth while writing something that's supposed to be fun to write.


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
should i make a book thats just shit about me like the fandons im in hhh


@ChefBimBim omw to make a book about me while i have an infection in my throat