
Hey you guys its Angle! The pic is for Cora! Love you Cor bear!!


*claps hands * you have the best bio ever I like that part " you still there" lmao 


Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
OMFG I just took a test in my hospital bed and I just got the score back and I got a 67.5 out of 68 ARE YOU FUCKING SHITING ME RIGHT NOW!?!?!?!?


Ok I mite not be on that much anymore... Here are some reasons. ok so I couldn't sleep not because I just couldn't It was because they did blood work and i was crying so much that I couldn't get on my phone because of the news so heres the news... I got Cancer... Idek how I got it but I did and I hate my life everything bad happens to me! I just want someone here to hold me and tell me they love me but no one is here to do that. My mom and dad left to go home and sleep also they went home with my little brother so I'm all alone here in my new room for however many mouths so idea how much I will be on but Pm anytime if you have any concerns or anything or you just want to talk... I will be here.


I love you too, I just don't know if I can handle it...