I'm so sorry to thoses who are read my book. But I don't think I'll have any time to write from how much my life is changing. It will be on hold, yet I'll try to place a chapter when I can, though right now I can't. Sorry.
Hey everyone! I thought about posting the next chapter the other day, but wanted the last chapter "Catcher that Seeker" to be whole. So if anyone didn't see that I update that chapter and changed the name into, "Finding the right bait" with the updated version from the new chapter.
WOW!!! I never thought I would have 66 followers and rising?! Thank you so much for the support just by finding me interesting? Oh and if you can see a few of the pics in the chapters, I made them myself. You can even find all my pictures on http://harmonyseagem.deviantart.com/ Again thank you all!