
Happy Valentine's Day, for yesterday, and Happy Single Awareness Day (Yes, that's a thing, I googled it. Why? I have no idea)


A new year, another era of growth for everyone!
          Happy New Year, everybody. Cheers to hoping this year will be better than the last.
          (yes, I posted on my profile, which is more than what I could say for my stories, lol (I swear, I'll try to get something done this year, it's on my resolutions, I'm trying))


          Surprised? Yeah, me too.
           Sorry I haven't been active much, I've been pulled into into so many different fandoms, mental health and life in general has kept me so f***ing busy that I haven't had much inspo to write anything, or draw anything new. (*Glares at KNY (Demon Slayer) and MHA* I blame you two the most, lol)
          But I am around, mostly reading, not much writing. I'm not dead yet, dw, so.....
          Anyways! Hope y'all are alright and well and hopefully I'll get a drawing up soon or a chapter out soon-ish. I need to definitely re-read what's been written already and tweak it (yes, this includes collabs but I won't stray from the original ideas we planned in the PMs before they were taken off of wattpad). I don't understand how y'all like it when the grammar and flow of it is so bad.


Not me contemplating on attempting to rewrite my Voltron book, because Netflix is removing the show from its platform.
          Also, does anyone else get a moment of nostalgia and wanting to revisit old works and writing platforms you used to write on, or is it just me?


@Coralsparrow No, believe me; it happens to me everytime I log into Disney+ 


Random opinion time:
          Does anyone else get a moment of nostalgia and a need to look at all the old stuff you've written to see how far you've come as a writer and then smile and cringe at the same time because of little things like sh!tty grammar or storylines?