
@christinamarie__ is real. stop hating on her. it's getting old.


          	  I may have only started following you and the boys and your families and loved ones for a short period of time, but what from it what it seems you love Christina to death. If I could I would talk to would talk to whom ever is hating on Christina and give them a piece of my mind. Christina doesn't deserve hate at all. And neither do you. 
          	  To all the Haters - Stop Hating On Christina! Accept that Corbyn and loves her and back off. 
          	  Christina is and amazing human being.


@CorbynBessonOffic Christina is an amazing person who deserves the best. you deserve each other so much and don't listen to any haters, because they are wrong. you and her are warriors and warriors keep going


@CorbynBessonOffic christina is the best girl in the world and she deserves the best man in the worls which is you no hate from me but anyone who gives her hate they are cyberbullies but if i know them i beat them up


idk if u come on here anymore but hEy bEsTiE-


@elijahsworld- that's his new username. this one got hacked.


Idk if you are the real corbyn but ok... here in Chile its 1:10 am so i can say this.
          Happy birthday i love you soooooooo
           muchhhhh and dont listen to the person that is hating you, probably is one of the fans of other bands
          Sorry if you dont understand me so much but in Chile we speak spanish so i don't know much words.
          Have a lot of love from your family i love youuuuuuuu❤❤❤ 
          And if you dont know.
          You are the reazon why i smile and i feel happy ❤❤❤
          With love❤❤❤ 


@christinamarie__ is real. stop hating on her. it's getting old.


            I may have only started following you and the boys and your families and loved ones for a short period of time, but what from it what it seems you love Christina to death. If I could I would talk to would talk to whom ever is hating on Christina and give them a piece of my mind. Christina doesn't deserve hate at all. And neither do you. 
            To all the Haters - Stop Hating On Christina! Accept that Corbyn and loves her and back off. 
            Christina is and amazing human being.


@CorbynBessonOffic Christina is an amazing person who deserves the best. you deserve each other so much and don't listen to any haters, because they are wrong. you and her are warriors and warriors keep going


@CorbynBessonOffic christina is the best girl in the world and she deserves the best man in the worls which is you no hate from me but anyone who gives her hate they are cyberbullies but if i know them i beat them up