
Finally getting back to my superhero universe after being away for two years. Been dealing with with a lot of mental health and some bad exes who made life worse. Will be finishing posting Angel destruction and starting a NEW era in phase 7 


EDIT : Phase 6 and onward 


Hey, everyone, sorry I haven't posted in a while i been dealing with allot from my life   just been hard to come up with new ideas and just self confidence in what to write from superhero to my post-apocalyptic ideas it's hard to decide and hope all of you like what I have in store for my next idea


Sorry i havent been posting  much lately  I just was going through  alot of mental problems and just got back into writing  thanks to a friend  I hope to either start the next book of the death chronicles  or Blake forest or start a new superhero  book since I found some old things I forgot about. 


for those who still read the books I write i'm sorry I haven't posted anything bin working as well as youtube and new things i cant say till the announcement. I been thinking about the large vast superhero universe I started all these years ago and the heros/villens I plan to have are huge and vast 
          I hope you all understand