Just happened to take a look at my profile and I realized... Julianna Catching Fire has reached 100,000 reads.
Holy crap!
To anyone who has ever read, clicked on, or glanced at Julianna Catching Fire... THANK YOU. I order 100,000 of the hugest, most lung-constricting man-hugs one could possibly buy for all of my fans, even if you fanned me, read the prologue, and never so much as peeked at another chapter. I order another 100,000 of the aforementioned hugs for those have never fanned, but still read the story. Another 100,000 hugs for those who have never even heard of the story - we all need love, right? I never thought that I would ever reach 5,000 reads, let alone 100,000.
To some, this may seem like nothing. But for me, it's a big accomplishment. I never set milestones for my works, but am aware that I have certainly reached one.
If one person sees this, or even not a person, just someone's pet, I shall remain grateful.
Thank you.