
Happy Valentines day! ♥️❤️ Let’s keep on writing about our favorite couple Erik and Christine there Will be one today I promise I know I said it last time but you know life. 
          	Love Never Dies…chocolate doesn’t either 


Hi so sorry for the long wait on the next chapter. But you know life! I promise to have a chapter written before Christmas. Thank you goodnight. Or good morning good afternoon where ever you are in the world. . Lots of love Cornelia-Phantom ❄️


Ok bad weeks. I’m so sorry. I wassick all last week so no update. This week I lost my job and I have a match test in monday that I need to study for. It’s crazy but I might do one chapter next week when hopefully things have called down. Sorry for the delays. Thank you for your patience ❤️


Hello again! 
          Four chapters are up! I just finished the fourth one and I won’t be back until Monday. As I’m going on a trip til Sunday. My weekend will be filled with great food, books and Harry Potter merchants! See you next week. 
          Have a wonderful weekend everyone I know I will! 
          Love and thank you
          Cornelia-Phantom ♥️


A little update. 
          Hello my wonderful friends! I’m so sorry for not writing new chapters this week. You see I had a vaccination for cancer yesterday and I’m really feeling the side affects or what ever you call it after you’ve had a shot. (That’s why I forgot to listen and congratulate Ramin on his birthday)I’m still hopeful to see if I can write before the weekend is over. If not I’ll make sure to post one chapter everyday until friday as I’m going on a little weekend trip. So much to look forward to including Joker the week after that. Got my tickets! Thank you for reading the new book so far. I hope it will be good enough that you guys stick with it cause it’s going to be the longest book I’ve ever done. 
          Have a good weekend everyone! 
          Don’t forget to read,vote and comment! 
          As we all know feedback is everything! 
          Lots of Love 


@Cornelia-Phantom Please don't apologize, your health and well-being comes first and foremost! And yes, a very happy birthday to Ramin! ❤️❤️❤️


Hi there, how are you? I don't usually ask this, but considering our shared love for Phantom of the Opera, I was wondering if you could return the follow, please?
          If not, that's totally fine, but I just thought I'd ask.
          Have a great day!


Good morning yes of course I can! Have a good day yourself 