
Hello my lovelies I am back for a short period of time since school has let out for christmas. I hope yall have a lovely holiday or even if you dont do christmas I hope your well regardless : )


So school starts back real soon- and I have unpublished two of my books that was 'in progress' well I decided to unpublished because I am starting a job soon and school full time with the kid so there for of If get to writing again I'll be publishing a whole book and not chapters unless you want me too. Thank you


Lemme rant a hit here. Listen ladies and they's, if your partner doesnt grab them rolls like he would with the free breadsticks at olive garden or the bread at texas road house he ain't the one honey. 
          Listen I ain't no skinny chick I'm legit 190 pounds and I have thighs that would suffocate, but this is me like almost 2 years after having a baby. I was stuck at 220 pounds before I dumped a bitch and lost weight for MYSELF. so therefore dont be afraid to get on top because if he dies, he dies. Your body is beautiful so just remember you cant have a butt but without a little bit of gut. So if you look like a buddha statue when you sit down then that's okay. It's just more of you to love and appreciate. Thank you bye bye