*rises from the grave Dracula-style* Hello! It is I! First things first, hello! It's been a while. I hope you are all doing great. And if you don't remember me, then that's reasonable and also valid. I haven't forgotten you, though. In fact, I think about this series almost every day of my life XD. And I often come back in here to stalk the comments. But I didn't come here to talk about that, I came here because I wanted to let you all know about some changes I am going to be making and to make sure nobody panics. NO, I AM NOT DELETING THE SERIES OR FORCING ANYONE TO PAY FOR IT USING THE STUPID COINS OR WHATEVER CURRENCY WATTPAD USES NOW. I am keeping my promise to never make people pay to read this series. I am however going to be making some changes to it. Nothing too drastic, I promise! First of all, I will be changing my username. I will not get into why, but it is a personal decision that shouldn't affect you too much. I don't know what it will be yet, but when you do see a change, DO NOT PANIC. It's still me! And because of this, I will also be updating the covers of each book. THE TITLES WILL REMAIN THE SAME for the sake of consistency. I'm too proud of the names as they all work together, and I am not willing to change them because I will never be that clever ever again lmao. But the covers need some updating and if I'm changing my username, I need it to not look like I stole my own work. :/ I will also be going back in and fixing my stupid grammar errors in each book. My writing has improved A LOT and if I'm still allowing this series to see the light of day, I refuse to let you guys believe I am still illiterate and cringy LOL. That should be it! If you for some reason get bombarded with notifications that I am updating things, nothing is new. It's just me cleaning up a bit. Thank you all so much for the support you've given me after all this time. You have no idea what it means to me. If you need me, I'll still be here... stalking.... :)

@CorruptedN1ghtmare Yo! I just finished reading your 4 books and I wanted to say they were AMAZING! I absolutely loved them!!

@CorruptedN1ghtmare good to see your still around i come back time to time to re read them all again