
Currently working on Golden Bridge if any of you want to read it! The last time it was updated was in 2016 and just updated it today!


Happy Birthday to me!!! *throws confetti in the air* (≧∇≦)/ I haven't been here like I promised, but I'm only human. I'll be here today, but be patient with me. My family is coming to my college to see me ^-^ and I have a cold ;-; I'm going back to sleep, but I'll reply to messages as soon as I can! <3


@AdvaithaGucci108 I just saw this! Thank you so much love!


@Corrupted_Heart Happy Birthday!!! ☺️❤️❤️❤️


Hi loves! I'm back! Just took some time to follow on college, but I'm back now with exciting things to come. This includes videos, stories, drawings, etc. Also if you could recommend some stories or recommend your own, that'll be great too. My pms are always opened by the way so don't be afraid to talk to me! That's all for now loves! Take care!