Thanks to those who are being patient with me publishing Chapter 2 of Hidden Truth, I’m currently in therapy to help me with the many years of anxiety, depression, and low self esteem.
I’ll be going on a 2 day trip extremely soon which means cleaning the house before leaving, getting packed, having a cat sitter come watch our family cats, and preparing snacks, other foods for the trip, making sure cats have enough wet food and dry food when we leave, making sure all laundry is done, and making sure the trash is cleaned out.
Just to let you all know that I do have a Disney x Bnha crossover story already in mind and I’m literally excited to do it after Hidden Truth is done. I already have other Disney x Bnha crossover stories in mind for all of our favorite Villains and Hero’s in the like from Bnha and to be clear! I like Bnha for the art style and I know it’s like a stupid reason but I do! I’m a sucker for different eye types, body heights, body types, and Quirks.
Once the holidays come around there will be holiday stories so be ready to read to your hearts content when it happens and maybe just MAYBE I’ll publish my own Original stories. I really want to be able to have my own stories be told with fantasy, death, Lbgtq+, and a twist with reality dropping here and there with the world I have been creating for years starting with “Dream Phase”.
Anyway thanks for waiting and I know no one’s reading this but I’m doing this because I like to have communication with people who like to read what I like to read which is crossover stories to Reader being in the world of the story or movie.
I hope to talk soon!
— Corynne S.⬛