
Finally done with my schoolwork! Expect updates to various stories within the week.


Finally done with my schoolwork! Expect updates to various stories within the week.


Apologies for being largely absent the past few days. I got a really bad cold that knocked me out of it for a little while, but now I’m back and trying to update some of my more popular stories as soon as possible.


What’s your favorite horror genre? Mine, though not technically a genre, is zombies.


@Mad-Comrade true dat also I STILL get nightmares from those MONSTERS 


@tannicbow430026 honestly when of the most terrifying game modes ever.


@Mad-Comrade you know what the most scariest moment was for me there were 9 of use left and there were 7 Ewoks the other 16 raged quit I think idk while me and the other 8 were out in the open the sprinted to the cave and covered everything while I was out in the open being ganged up on by 7 Ewoks I ran past the cave the Ignored the 8 and just chased me and you know what sucks when running my flashlight ran out  


Probably the most annoying thing about writing stories is goddamn writer’s block. I literally have no clue how I want to proceed with any of my stories. So damn frustrating.


Drugs can give you greatest or worst ideas either way those beach episodes in anime are all "plot"


@ParliamentOfYT0512 and by main story I mean stories you devote most of your time to. Not saying you should just focus on JUST the main stories, but maybe mix it up a bit.


@Mad-Comrade If you find yourself in a writer's block, try finding some older stories that you dont really think of anymore [though this is most likely not the case], or perhaps do a side-story in the main story [Similar to the filler scene in The Paladin of Remnant or whatever it was called]. It should possibly give you some ideas for another  scene, Either after writing and publishing the side story or during the writing of said side story.