Ok, so I was looking through some old writings, and I found a story with NightHawk and Antennes that I'd made before I ever started writing TIaaC, sort of just using the characters to practice writing prompts. I read through it and thought, "Hey, this is pretty good! Why didn't I do anything with this?" Then I thought, What if I posted it as an AU of sorts? It is VERY different from Two Idiots. It's darker, not as much as a rom/com, and just overall nothing like the book. But, if you guys would be interested in reading it, I'd be happy to post it here! Here's the summary:
When Antennes goes missing, NightHawk doesn't think much of it. It isn't until he receives a strange package that he realizes the villain is in terrible trouble, and it's all because of NightHawk. Will he be able to find Antennes? And if he does, will he do so in time?
If this sounds interesting, let me know! I may post it in the future. Again, it is just an AU since it was written before I ever started Two Idiots, and therefore doesn't follow or connect to either of the actual books. This would basically be a whole new story, but with a lot of the same characters. I know it's somewhat confusing, which is why I was hesitant even to post it. But again, if you guys would like to see Mike and Ed get together with a darker twist, let me know!
Rant– [O V E R]