@Cosmic66 I see In the February's in Next Update which Remind I have Suggested on Regarding on that Chapter I have Moments That's Possibly You Could Adding Scene likYog Sothoth, the 7 Archons, Bernkastel,
Lambdadelta, and all the gods who are interested in Chaos Emerald power. As for Lumine and Teyvat, it is shocking to see Dark Hyper and Super Form for Lumine. She is slowly liking Sonic. For GT and KH characters, they are reacting to Nazo being negatively born, which reminds them of Omega and Heartless.
Which is second is
especially for Kingdom Hearts and
the Personas, as they remind them
of their own enemies: Heartless,
Vanitas, The Shadows, RWBY's
Grimm, and the GT/Xeno gang
represented by Omega Shenron.
On the Hyperforms, could you
possibly include events that leave
everyone speechless, especially for
Saiyan Gods liketthe 7Archons like
Venti, Zhongli, and Raiden Shogun
The same goes for Lumine and
Paimon, who are dumbfounded by
Super/Hyper Sonic. This situation
heightens Lumine's conflicts about
her feelings, as she starts to
develop a strong fondness for him.,
Seeing Hyper Sonic causes her
heart to race as she slowly realises
she's falling for him.
As for Yog Sothoth and the trio of
witches, they are rarely shocked or
unfazed, especially Yog Sothoth,
who increases her studies and
desires to replicate the form. Yog
Sothoth thinks she can transform
herself into a super form combined
with a beast form which is Gohan Beast Form can Copy by Yog Sothoth which is Possible combine in Super Form That Al All Adding Moments Scene in the Next Chapter which is Nazo Unleashed Good Luck With That By the Way I have Suggested on Valentine's Day Reactions which is I going Post To You In Discord This Week which is that Is Valentine's Day Special on Reactions Series in Discord.