
I recently decided I want to write again, so I'm back and I'm completely re-working my first ever story. "Man of Time" I want to finish it and make the other books in the series. Even if it's not the best I want that story to be told, so I'm going to start putting some work into it finally. Everything else is privated for the time being other than my poems. I don't know how many of my books I want to re-work for sure yet. But I miss writing and I want to create again :) 


I recently decided I want to write again, so I'm back and I'm completely re-working my first ever story. "Man of Time" I want to finish it and make the other books in the series. Even if it's not the best I want that story to be told, so I'm going to start putting some work into it finally. Everything else is privated for the time being other than my poems. I don't know how many of my books I want to re-work for sure yet. But I miss writing and I want to create again :)