
Hi People, Happy New year Hopefully this year Ican improve my writing time frame as i know Last year I was really bad with all that due to computer problems, college and personal life buti would like to thank you the fans of my stories to keepon pushingme to write as they have enjoyed my poorly wriiten stiries so i thank you very much for that x and the messages i have recived from the death of my mother and the sesnerity i got it is much appricated and as a new years resalution i promise to write more and get them in on time ^_^ xxx Pregnant Oh great with a vampires baby I am in the mists of doing the last 2-4 Chapters (Mabye more if they become short or you guys want it Faster ;) ) and the Sequel has already been planned But please be Patient and keep reading, I also Have another channel Now for My Fanfictions For anime/ Manga and for others ^_^ The name is xxanimelover12345xx which isalso my Youtube channels name as wll as My name too ^_^ Hope u enjoy Guys :) 


hey carolanne how have you been since the last time I was online been swamped with work and college so I didn't have enough time ro write but am baxk with lot of ideas and I hope you are ready for the storm of storie with magic and science and superpowered hero and sorcerers


Hi People, Happy New year Hopefully this year Ican improve my writing time frame as i know Last year I was really bad with all that due to computer problems, college and personal life buti would like to thank you the fans of my stories to keepon pushingme to write as they have enjoyed my poorly wriiten stiries so i thank you very much for that x and the messages i have recived from the death of my mother and the sesnerity i got it is much appricated and as a new years resalution i promise to write more and get them in on time ^_^ xxx Pregnant Oh great with a vampires baby I am in the mists of doing the last 2-4 Chapters (Mabye more if they become short or you guys want it Faster ;) ) and the Sequel has already been planned But please be Patient and keep reading, I also Have another channel Now for My Fanfictions For anime/ Manga and for others ^_^ The name is xxanimelover12345xx which isalso my Youtube channels name as wll as My name too ^_^ Hope u enjoy Guys :) 


Hi Guys I have a new Story I hope you Will enjoy, this is one im actully Quite Proud of....... i beg you to read as this might Be what you might Like if you are vampire Lover like me :) This is a thriller But will be a romance/Horror/Mystery/vampire/ Demons The Firdt Chapter is Up Now and and the secound One will be up after 2 Comments so I know if its what u Like and if any Improvmets need to be made, oh and chapter 12 of Pregnant with A vampire child will be up very soon just got to make improvments and add another page as im a little Stuck at the moment but i promise it will be up and sorry If i have been making you wait... Love you all guys Hope u enjoy the new and Old 
          Caz Out for Now :) x