
Hey lovelies,
          	 The other day I posted an A/N in two of my books about a discord group well I've made the group now so if you want to join go ahead if you can't message me and I'll see what I need to do. 
          	People who read this announcement will probably be the first people on saying I'll give the others the update in a chapter. 
          	So go ahead.


Hey lovelies,
          I'm trying to get back into writing. Tbh I've been kinda out of it but I am getting more and more ideas so I'm trying to get back into it and I know I will. 
          I wanted to ask how many of you have discord?
          I want to make a group for all of you guys to talk and me be able to talk to me on. Help me with ideas what you want to see in my books or just to goof off and have fun or ya know tell me to work.
          What do you think of the idea?
          Good? Bad? I want your honest opinion 
          Stay safe, wash your hands, and do social distancing
          Love you all xx


@CottonCandySkies0  okay cool I'll post on my message board and on my books the details


Ye its redmoonpleb 


@CottonCandySkies0 i would like my username on discord id I think redmoonpleb 


Hey lovelies.
          I'm going home today I'll arrive around three in the morning but I'll be stuck in self isolation so I'll try and update. 
          I said previously in an A/N that I would write this holiday but WiFi has been my enemy the only time we have WiFi is at bars. I can't just bring my laptop into a bar my anxiety would kill me.
          So to make up for that I'll try and post two or three chapters of a book of your choice. 
          I have ideas for each chapter of all my books so all I need to do is write it down. 
          Just comment below what book you want.
          Stay safe x 
          Avoid people X
          Wash your hands X


Hey lovelies!
          I won't be posting today or for the rest of this week because it's my birthday and on Friday I'm going on holiday so I need time to make sure I have everything and to focus on the smaller picture.
          I'll try to post Sunday if I'm not dead with jet lag
          Love you all x
          Stay safe and wash your hands!


@Shinbaku-is-adorable  it wasn't the plane it was a crappy man on the flight before us I was meant to be here yesterday I only arrives today XD 


@CottonCandySkies0 your welcome, I’ve actually never been in a plane so I wouldn’t know.


Hey, Lovelies!
          I want to deeply apologize for the lack of updates. I've been busy lately and with my birthday in three days, I just want to relax knowing I won't be able to on my birthday due to my brothers. I love them but they're a handful.
          I hope you're all doing well, wash your hands stay away from people.
          Love you all xoxo


Hey lovelies!
          This Monday or Tuesday I'll be able to post one maybe two (depends on how I'm feeling) chapters of a book of your choice.
          On Wednesday I'll be out with friends so definitely no update then. But could you call comment witch book you want an update on. I'll be figuring out a update schedule and share it with you all on Thursday.
          Love you all wash your hands and stay safe 
          (Ps if you didn't know comment either.
          -Clash and Unite
          - you've caught my heart
          - Mystic Falls 
          Comment just one of the book names and I'll post a chapter or two of the one that people want updated most)


@CottonCandySkies0 I sent a pm to you explaining everything. I really don’t wanna bother you, and I’m sorry if I am


@CottonCandySkies0 That’s good
            Btw my old account was @Riren-is-life so...hello mother, lol XD


Hey lovelies! xx
          Just wondering in what update do you want my books to come out. I'm doing hopefully two chapters of each book posting them 3 days after each other so I can have a break in between.
          So the books I'm updating is all of the make a list on the comments in order like:
          1- Clash and Unties
          2- Mystic
          3- Pokemon
          Idk whatever you want I want to ask you all to try and make most of you happy.
          Stay safe xoxo
          Wash your hands and remember to keep smiling it's contagious. And in a world like this we all need a good smile. 


Hey lovelies, I should be posting soon.
           I've been going through some stuff particularly with self love and the way I see myself. And honestly it's just clicked to me that everyone is beautiful but some people know how to use clothing items and colours/shades to compliment them.
          They know poses that flatter the body they know tips on their body to make it more beautiful. 
          I've finally just realised it I don't need makeup I don't need to keep putting myself down cause we're all beautiful in our own way ❤️
          Self love is an important step to doing well in life if you like yourself you'll be more motivated more happy. 
          So for all you girls out there and boys this goes to you as well your all beautiful as you are!
          Something's just make you feel more beautiful like I found a sweater in the perfect shade of green that compliments me and makes me feel beautiful. 
          Sure eat healthy but be yourself treat yourself don't count calories like I did don't look in the mirror and point out your flaws point out the feature of you that you love! You'll see that you'll be more happier that way.
          I'll be posting on my insta and I'm no longer afraid to show you all what I look like. I'll be posting more pictures and inspirational quotes. I'd love if you guys messaged me. Also if any of you see what I look like and stop following me on Wattpad and stop reading my book that's your problem I don't need you anyway cause I have some lovely followers that I adore and know would accept me. 
          I love you all stay safe in this paramedic 
          Share a bit of love to yourself and other people. Which book do you want an update of first?
          Insta: jess_m2005
          (PS yes I know my insta is trash I'm special okay xD I posted all my old pics of myself when I first got it then left insta due to online bullying I only got it back when that most recent pic was posted)