
Is anyone else having trouble editing their stories? For example when you click edit it says error. But it still lets you read what’s in your library etc.


Does anyone have any good fanfic recommendations. When it comes to Marcel from The originals .Actually being treated as Niklaus’s son , the crowned Prince of New Orleans, and older brother to Princess Hope . Where Marcel is truly apart of the Mikaelson family.


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Atomic bomb ending? I just feel they wasted so much time on bullshit plots and storylines . Just to torcher us tbh especially us Choni fans. Personally in my opinion we haven’t had a sex scene as great or long as 3x15. Since season three we’ve haven’t had a seen like that. But the heteros have sex/kiss scenes  damn near every episode. I can’t wait for the new generation to take over.


Next episode for Choni: They find out that posing for a naughty magazine company is a lucrative opportunity. Which it is .
          But as a interracial lesbian couple in the 1950’s. But we also know that someone in her family finds it. We all think it’s her mother Penelope. But what if it was someone else in the family  destroyed the pictures? And  Cheryl caught them in the process of getting rid of the evidence?
          This is just me with a conspiracy theory what do you think?
          *Also I’m trying to find the time in between my schedule to post for you guys. Wattpad even sent me a Dm. So that means I gotta do it.*


@CouchieSlayer420 Wattpad sent me a DM abt one of my books, too. but i like the idea. especially the idea of it being to protect them rather than hurt them. because i haven't thought of it as that, honestly. i always thought of it as them destroying it to hurt Chery rather than help her.