

Hello @Cougard
          thank you very much for the follow, I‘m glad you found my account
          and also if you have spare time pls do check out my stories and comment your thoughts, I would really love to hear from an amazing writer/reader 
          P.S: This is a recommendation not a request.
          good luck to your works and good day :)


            As long as You're happy with it, that's more than Good Enough,
            Be Yourself and Enjoy your Diffence to other people!


I haven‘t change the magnet thing but I add a diamond thing in the description, thank you for noticing my description. 
            I will add different kinds of figurative description of myself when I come up with something nice


@SaLad_02 noted.
            thank you in advance.


Thank you for the follow ! I appreciate it :)
          Would love it if you checked out both my works thanks :)
          for "Wrought by Solace" I recommend you only try chapters 1&2 since the rest are under serious editing, alas, have a great day ! :D @cougard  I will add your works to my library and let you know my thoughts :)