
@VD_lover17 I havent read your story just yet! Im finishing up one but when i start reading it i will most defintly vote!! Cause im pretty sure im gonna like your story!:)


Can I just tell you how flattered I am right now? I mean, the only people who have read my story are people I know and sort of know, and here you are, someone I've never met and you like my story. That tells me that it is actually good, and it's not just my friends being nice. Anyway, I am super glad you like it, but I do have to say, that nothing more of it will be posted on Wattpad. I have researched some things, and have found out that if I post it all on Wattpad, it is very unlikely that it will ever actually get published. But I would just like you to know, that you have madde my day. And my week. And possibly my month. And we'll see about the year (It's only April...)
          Happy Writing (and Reading...)