
Hey again! 
          	It seems I made a mistake in my last message... dancing with a cowboy is not the actual title...Lost and Found! 
          	Dancing with a cowboy was a story I had written but never did anything with because I lost heart in it. 


Hey again! 
          It seems I made a mistake in my last message... dancing with a cowboy is not the actual title...Lost and Found! 
          Dancing with a cowboy was a story I had written but never did anything with because I lost heart in it. 


Hey all!
          Working on more skin on skin and having serious writers block. In order to help myself get out of this I'm thinking on picking my other story Dancing with a cowboy...
          Let me know what you think. Here are your options:
          A.  More skin on skin...
          (Would appreciate some suggestions. Keeping it along the same lines as what has already been written. Pm me if you have ideas.) 
          B. Pick back up Dancing with a cowboy 
          C. Starting a new story all together (it most likely wouldn't be skin on skin esc. More of a plot to it. Less one hits and there would actually be identifiable characters. 
          Let me know what you think