
Ok if you commented on a story about something that doesn't make sense. I read them and then went through and corrected those sections.


I got a good idea for shay twin sister 


@LynnButler4 was supposed to be tonight but my grandmother just died so give me a few days


Are you still writing Fairchilds daughter??


@LynnButler4 Yes, I can make a Kelly love story. Stella Kidd and him are already canon and get married in season 10. Now, I can do a Kim Burgess twin sister one, but keep in mind she isn't really in Chicago Fire; she's in Chicago PD. So it wouldn't really feature the station house; it would mostly have the PD cast. I can also do a twin sister for either Shaye or Gabbie if you're looking for the Fire cast.


@Courtneylynn177 can you make a Chicago fire Kelly love story with Stella Kidd twin sister or Kim Burgess twin sister 


Alright my lovely readers. The time has come to where I am situated enough to be able to continue my writing journey. It took a while because I needed a new charger and then was waiting on my cabin to be delivered. I now have my own space that is quiet so I can write. Stay tuned for more chapter updates.


Heyyy everyone, I know I haven't been updating recently, this year started crazy. I injured my back in October -December, and my grams had three surgeries in November. I injured my knee in February, and it still needs a brace. Plus, I've been preparing for my cross-country trip since I am in the process of moving back home, I start the drive in the morning. I apologize and I should have enough chapters on each story for updates to return to normal near the end of March beginning of April. Again, I am sorry for the delays.


@Courtneylynn177 I hope you have a safe move! Return when it works for you 


are go to update all your stories


@TaButterfly yeah, I'm working on it. I've had a hard couple of months and got behind