
Quarantine means more time at home, and I might get to updating a couple of stories. I'll write as I see fit I guess, if time and feel allows.


You can spend ten years writing your first book, running and revising your story idea continuously.
          But you have to admit defeat to the person who wrote a single story idea for his first book, ten years straight.


You want a way to improve your writing?
          Writers are in control of their story world, yes? They create, they destroy, they play god. They decide the experience the reader should feel.
          But if you aren't allowed to destroy? If you are not allowed to remove a bad idea, and you must force the story to cope & live with whatever cringe-inducing scene you've written?
          If you prohibit yourself from destroying, suddenly everything you write becomes a lot more thoughtful and careful.


@Couzay I'm mostly rewriting it with drastic changes, but it could be called a restart since a lot of things have changed as it is and the plot is different. Although initially, I didn't have a good idea as to where it was heading in the first place. 


@Endless-Moon-Night Restart that work. If you don't remember it clearly now, restart as much of it as you can.
            You never know the day you find the right piece for it as you go about life, but you regret removing its entirety.


@Couzay I have to admit yes, I have one such work which I could not by any means let go nor did I want to.  But I changed almost everything. One thing after anothee which I'm a lot more satisfied with as a whole. 
            Not to mention the fact that I wrote another story which I was challenged to and went much deeper than I initially thought. 