
oh my god you guys we just reached 11k on Battle Of The Bands, I genuinely cannot thank you all enough for all of the support you have given me. I am going to try getting back into writing again!! It may take me a while since i have just started High School, but know i am trying! I love you all, thank you.


oh my god you guys we just reached 11k on Battle Of The Bands, I genuinely cannot thank you all enough for all of the support you have given me. I am going to try getting back into writing again!! It may take me a while since i have just started High School, but know i am trying! I love you all, thank you.


New story published Reality :) Please check it out to see if it interests you! I'm quite excited to start writing again and I hope you guys want to hear more. I know I said I'd be making a sequel to BOTB but I'm postponing that for a while, sorry but I want to focus on a new story topic which is why I'm writing Reality. Love you guys so much <3


Hey guys so I'm working on a new book right now :)
          Also I will be writing a sequel to Battle Of The Bands just not right at this moment so stay tuned for more information on that !!
          The name of this mystery book that I'm working on is....
          The Drawings On My Arms


I have become CoveredInColours...Pitchgirl123 no longer exists ;)


@musicmixer1025 I don't know...I wanted to change it :)

