Can people seriously stop making George so feminine. Like your straight agenda can go away. While you are writing a mlm fanfic, you shouldn't be making George more feminine, so many people do this subconsciously because their need for a somewhat straight relationship/ ship is so strong. Like sorry but you're writing a GAY fan fic, stop trying to make it straight.
I understand that not everyone does this on purpose but it's still annoying, if George was feminine irl I wouldn't say anything but you guys are changing him to be feminine because your subconscious mind needs some sort of straightness in the book.
If you're writing mlm book, write a mlm book and don't try making it straight, there doesn't need to be a "female" and "male" in every relationship, you're writing a MEN loving MEN fan fic yet you're trying to sneak in a "female" role Into it, no, just stop. The point of mlm is that they are NOT attracted to women.