
This is a formal apology for every embarrassing comment, post, or fanfiction I’ve ever made…..a bit late I suppose, but better late than sorry


The first chapters are out!(Look to previous post for context)


@ItsTheAnxietyForMe-  :0 thank you I see it now ^^


@ItsTheAnxietyForMe-  Uhhhh- Where can I find that book? I can't see it here :(


I haven’t posted or updated anything in a while, so I apologize for that. The book I’m known for was written when I was only a child, so I’m not especially proud of that piece of work...I think my writing style has improved over these many years, and I don’t wanna be known for something I’m not-so-proud-of(keep in mind I still do feel proud of its accomplishments, I just feel I could have done better), so I come here bearing a question. 
          I’m not sure if I will actually expand on this idea, but I have written 4 chapters for a new Deceit(Janus) angsty fanfic. It will have some implied Loceit, but I’m not to sure if I’ll include or expand on it. The story will essentially be something along the lines of “bad guy make Deceit slightly traumatized, Sides find out and decide to help, angst ensues”, but I swear it’s better than that! 
          I’m having difficulty with thinking of a name, so if I posted the first few chapters, do you guys think you could give me some suggestions? You don’t have to, but it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for the support! And have a lovely day!


Are you ever mad at your parents when they say stuff like “you never do anything for this family or for anyone” and you’re like well atleast 2-3 months ago I save a toddler who walked out onto the middle of the street from an incoming bus like-


I’d like to add that no, I was not kidding when I said this


So I just saw a bug crawling across a blanket I was sitting on, and I am very scared of bugs as a whole, so I panicked and began speaking to it like a child??? “Excuse me young sir, that was very rude of you to sneak up onto me like that, you should be ashamed of yourself” and wagging my finger at it and stuff. Anyway, the big kicker is that it worked??? It froze up and didn’t move until I left the room??” I don’t know if that was fear or respect, but I just wanted to share that for some reason....anyway, have a nice day


Soooo..I don't do this often, but I'm doing this now, so hear me out. If i were to...I don't know...write a very complex book which is UNDERTALE'S protagonist P.O.V of what happens in the game...would you guys be interested in that?


@CharaDreamur10 Yas! That sounds amazing! Lemme know if you ever need any help in the writing of the plot! :-)


@CharaDreamur10 Welp I'm already interested so sure ^W^