Hi! Thanks for visiting my profile.

First, sorry in advance if my stories were cliches or nah, it's fine if you don't like it. They were based on my imaginations, and sometimes I tend to imagine it again and again, so to stop overthinking I decided to just write it here, on Wattpad, and it really did help.

Second, I'm a Filipino and I'm aware that there are readers that bashes and bully new or aspiring authors (I'm on the new category obviously), so just in case they'll do that to me too go ahead guys. I don't care on your opinions, I write because it helps me and not to help you, thank you.

Lastly, if there are sincere readers here then thank you. I'm happy to share to you the world of my imagination. I'm open for your opinions and suggestions. Just dm me or comment me, I'll take note of it right away. 💕
  • JoinedAugust 7, 2015

37 Reading Lists